My Dad
Loved to Sing Irish folk songs
Loved to Play the Piano
Everyone loved him
Cared about all living things
Highly Intelligent even though he stayed back in first grade.
Always shared his sour pickles.
Lived with the zest for life.
1. My wedding day. 2. Oakie liked baseball and basketball. 3. His infectious smile. 4. Oakie with Catherine. 5. Dad playing the piano with family and friends singing along. (I'm singing beside him in the strips.) 6. Happy Oakie.
What a lucky girl I was growing up with a dad like Oakie. He made each of his twelve children plus twelve step children feel special. He saw us as individuals. He inspired us to be the best people we could be. Oakie had a happy disposition that was infectious to those around him. He is still missed and loved by us all.
My Father-In-Law Bob
1.Michael and his dad at our wedding. 2.Mike and his dad in 1964. 3.Grandpa & Catherine.
Bob is dad to Paul, Megan and my wonderful husband Michael. He is a kind, warm, gentleman that checks in on me weekly. He is always there to lend a hand to those in need. I love when he comes for his yearly visits to Northern New York. He helps me to reorganize and clean my garage every spring. I’m not sure that I would actually clean it out without him. I enjoy our weekly chats comparing our weather and hearing about his wii bowling games with his friends. He is a great listener as I share my problems and successes. I love ya dad.
Michael, a Great Dad
Michael was the best dad to our two children, Catherine and Bobbie. One of my favorite memories of Michael as a dad was watching him eat a pint of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream. He would sit on the floor and both kids would run to the kitchen to grab a spoon and join him in devouring the delicious treat. It cracked me up how Mike never quite got his share of the ice cream. I think both kids can eat a pint of ice cream in one sitting like their dad. We miss him every day.
All of my brothers are wonderful fathers.
Bob is dad to Claire, John, Greg, and Kate
George is dad to Rory and Hayley.
Chuck is dad to Liz, Bridget, Jo-Anne, Jack, and Connor and grandpa to Julia and John.
Joe is dad to Jacki, Jessi and Joey and grandpa to Taylor, Allie, and Brody.
Mickey is dad to Delaney.
My Brother-in-Laws are terrific fathers, too.
Chris is dad to Maddy and Luke.
Jeff is dad to Matthew and Jacob.
Allen is dad to Mark, David, Timmy, and Kara.
Paul is dad to Summer and Carly.
Dads can have a large impact on a child and help shape him or her into the person they become. Spend Father's Day with your dad in some way. Take him to lunch, give him a call, send him a card, or reminisce about time spent with your dad. For some of us, it's the memories of dad stories, that gets us through Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day to all the dads that have touched my life. Keep up the great connection to your kids.
Smile and Be Kind,
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What a lovely tribute, Claire!