It's only the middle of November but Mother Nature decided to dump a load of heavy wet snow. I was up early shoveling out my driveway.
Shoveling can be a daunting task. Where do I begin? This Maine girl has shoveled snow her whole life. I really don't mind shoveling, if I have time. I'm outside in the fresh air and I'm getting exercise. I know there is an end to the job.
A Few Shoveling Tips:
1. Do not shovel after eating or while smoking.
2. Take it slow and stretch out before you begin.
3. Shovel only fresh, powdery snow; it's lighter.
4. Push the snow rather than lifting it.
5. If you do lift it, use a small shovel or only partially fill the shovel.
I use all three of these of these snow tools. I love the big shovel because I can push and pull the snow. Making the job soo much easier in all types of snow. The straw broom is a tool that helps clean up the snow on my deck porch and steps. Some snow is light and powdery and the broom works better than a shovel. I've even swept my whole driveway during some storms.
Check out this video by Consumer Reports on shovels and tips about snow removal.
Happy Shoveling.
Smile and Be kind,